
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Introducing.....Cherish Charms by Always Eclectic!

More than two years in the making, Cherish Charms has come to life! Tradable, collectable charms along with corresponding jewelry. Move the charms from once piece of Cherish Charms jewelry and another. Trade with friends. Collect those rare, exclusive pieces offered only for a limited time. It's a whole new concept in SL jewelry!

I'm including some info on the concept. There's additional information at the Cherish Charms website:!home/mainPage

Here's a quick overview of how things work:

I've got several items at the Bitacora Travel Faire, in Africa, ( that are part of Cherish Charms. There is an exclusive set including an exclusive charm for BTF only.
 A separate, exclusive charm is also available only through BTF. It matches the Savanah set created for BTF.
There are lots of travel related charms at BTF. Those and more are available at the main store. And this is just the beginning!

Main Store:

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bitacora Travel Faire, here we come!

I went over to Africa today, Bitacora Travel Faire style. I found my booth or tent or stand or whatever you want to call it.

What do you suppose I'll put there? Okay, yes, jewelry. But what jewelry?

Perhaps it will be that really cool thing I've been working on for, oh, two years or so?

I can't imagine a huge faire with big names and lots of publicity being a good place for a new product line........

We shall see soon......


Friday, October 4, 2013

Exclusive group gift and hunt gift! Come and get 'em!

Well, what can I say. I am so unbelievably busy with things for Always Eclectic! New, exclusive items for the groupees and the Top Designers in SL Halloween Hunt. So here we go..

First, the groupee gift....

Black metal surrounds the rubies and garnets. And, if you stop and look at the necklace or an individual earring, you might see something kind of halloweenish....hehe.

Don't forget, the group gift is available in-world for those on the in-world group as well as those on the subscriber group - ain't modern technology wonderful!

Now, for the TDOSL Halloween Hunt...

This color scheme make my subtle Halloweening a bit more obvious.

More stuff in the works of course. The Rock your Rack event was a smashing success which made it even more fun.

This month, Always Eclectic is on the African continent of the Bitacora Travel Faire (blog: Somehow I stumbled into an event with the big boys and girls. Yikes! This will be October 17-31 so I am working hard to bring some special items to that faire.

Stay tuned! And see you soon!


Main store:

Charleston Belle: